
Yard Sales

It's that time of year, I can practically smell it, can't you? Actually, hopefully you can't, cause that would be kinda nasty. BUT. It is yard sale season and I loooove it! I love going and searching for treasures, or planning day trips to neighbor hood sales.  It's not about what you need (nothing, sometimes?), it's about the thrill of the hunt! I like to tell people "I won't know what I want until I see it". :]

So that's one side of the coin. The other is the throw-a-yard-sale-yourself side. Trust me, much easier said then done! I had one a couple of years ago, and man are they work.  When it's all said and done I didn't regret it. It's kinda enjoyable once it's all set up...just seeing dollar signs (or cent signs??) as people purchase your (hopefully) dirt cheap priced items. I'm planning to have one again in a couple of weeks, mostly because there was quite a lot of junk treasures stuff left at our newly purchased house, and partly because I want to get rid of some things from my dad's house that he doesn't need anymore.  My theory is the bigger the yard sale, the more worthwhile! Hopefully that proves true.

Anyways, I am currently in the why-the-heck-did-I-decide-to-do-this stage, and the I-don't-wanna-price-everything stage is close on it's heels. I think this is the worst part. So in light of that, I scoured the internet for some pictures that best depict how I feel. Enjoy! :]

How I feel when I am sorting stuff for my yard sale.

How I want my yard sale to look.

How I feel like my yard sale looks.

 How I feel when the last day of my yard sale is almost over. EVERYTHING GONE NOWWWW!


  1. LOL
    funni fotos!! i like that~

  2. I used to have yard sales with my good friend Ellen Fee. She made it seem so easy; she was so organized and greeted everyone with her sweet smile. With lots of preparations, fresh baked goods, and good signage, you should have a successful sale!

    1. I'm hoping this is one will be great...even without baked goods since I probably won't have time for that part??

  3. ah yes! yard sales are one of the sweetest little joys in life I think! hope yours goes smashingly well, and that you can make a ton of money to come spend in shipshe @ our lil retreat! =) haha...
    so good to see ya the other day...can't wait for more soon!!

    1. Thanks girl..I hope to have lots of spending dollars...for all our adventures?? :)
