
Magazine subscriptions.

I don't know where I stand on them.  I feel like I would really enjoy one or two, if I could find the one fit for me.  I'm not speaking from an "I've tried all kinds and been dissatisfied" view, I'm speaking from an "I don't want to waste my money" view.  I think the last subscription I had was to American Girl Magazine, for the win. :]

So. Please, give me suggestions! I looked up a few online, but I didn't find where I could virtually flip through a few pages, it was just a written "about".  I gotta see it to believe it honey.  One friend of mine let me in on a tip, the library lets you borrow magazines!! So I'm definitely going to go in there and get my hands on a few and see if they "fit".  But still, freedom with having my own subscription means marking/tearing/ripping/...all of the above.

I promised I'd be quick.  My dear Husband asked me if I wanted to go on a date tonight, which I accepted. :)  He has been one hard working man these last few days    this last week the last few months so purposeful quality time has probably been pushed to the back burner more than it should! We thought of staying in since he's been on the go so much, but again, if we stayed home it would be too easy to eat, and then get into our own projects.  So Mexican it is. :] I was contemplating going in my sweatshirt and jeans [mostly because its been SUCH a chilly day and I feel like I've fiiiinally warmed up my clothes that I've worn all day], but I decided I should get off my tail and change for the occasion.

Quick. right. onelastthing. My mom and husband Mike are flying in tomorrow to be here for a week to help with the new house.  Excitingg! I'm putting on my mental worker's hat, since usually my mom works circles around me. :]

bbye now!

1 comment:

  1. Well, hello there, Patrish. Nice to meet! ( I promise not to say out loud what went through my head when I read your blog title. It's just wrong) And...I'll beat you to the latest issues of those magazines at the library *laughs evil laugh* :)
